Salacia Manufacturers In India

Salacia Extract

For effective blood sugar and weight management

Introducing Salacia

Salacia, derived from Salacia reticulata, is a unique plant found in the Indian region. The plant contains optimal amounts of salacinol and mangiferin, the primary bioactive compounds concentrated in S. reticulata that are responsible for its blood sugar lowering and weight management.

Salacia reticulata is a climbing plant in the Hippocrateaceae family that is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to effectively treat for diabetes, rheumatism and skin conditions.

Botanic Healthcare have different grades of Salaica Extract:

A standardized extract from Salacia reticulata, containing optimal amount of salacinol.

A standardized extract from Salacia reticulata, containing optimal amount of mangiferin.

ROLE OF SALACIA in blood sugar management

Research shows that salacinol works by inhibiting the enzymes alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase in the digestive tract. This helps to slow the breakdown of carbohydrates, thereby reducing the insulin spike after meals. By moderating blood sugar spikes, salacinol supports healthy blood sugar metabolism.

Role of Salacia in weight management

Salacia may help with weight management in addition to blood sugar management. Some research suggests that salacinol increases satiety after eating and helps reduce calories consumed over time. Maintaining a healthy balance of blood sugar and calories is important for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Mechanism Of Action

Salacia reticulata contain primary active compounds salacinol and mangiferin that helps regulate blood sugar levels through multiple mechanisms. The active compounds work by inhibiting the enzymes alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase in the digestive tract. This slows the breakdown of carbohydrates, preventing large spikes in blood glucose after meals. They also increase glucose uptake by muscle and fat cells, lowering blood sugar.

In regards to weight management, Salacia reticulata is believed to suppress appetite by regulating levels of appetite-related hormones like ghrelin and leptin. Studies have demonstrated it can reduce food intake and body weight in animal studies. By helping to balance blood sugar and suppressing appetite, Salacia reticulata may aid in glycemic control and weight loss for individuals with diabetes or prediabetes.


May help in controlling the diabetes
May help with asthma
May help in relieving joint pain
May help to reduce weight
May prevent fat absorption
May lower cholesterol levels